Thursday, September 17, 2009

OHS Shoot - Tricia Peart

Today I took part in a video shoot. The shoot was an interview with Trica Peart, the OHS representative from the fashion department at the Gordon. I was involved in setting up the shoot and then monitoring the sound throughout.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Glen Hunwick - Stop Motion

I attended a talk by Glen Hunwick yesterday. Glen Hunwick is an animator who specialises at stop motion. He has done some well recognised work for television commercials including Cabury Chocolate ads and the Victorian Electoral Commission. More recently he has written and directed a new short file 'Mutt'.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jon Bein - Beinart

Today I attended a talk by Jon Bein. He is the founder of a website that showcases 'dark' art and an artist himself. The website is The website has grown to be very successful and shows works from many different artists, some of which are quite famous.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

OHS Shoot - Chris Walschots

Today I took part in a video shoot which was a video interview with Chris Walschots. Chris is a Senior Inspector with Work Safe Victoria. The video is to be used on an OHS website. I helped set up the shoot and monitored the sound.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gordon Open Day

Today I came into the Gordon to help out with the open day activities. I helped take a 'taster' class for people interested in doing the Interactive Digital Media course. This involved keying out some footage off a greenscreen and then replacing the background with an image so as to give the impression that the original footage took place on a train.